Zosephine - everyone's grandmother.

Grandmothers - caring and loving human beings. Most of the time. Usually, we think about them as they have always been, the way they are right now or the last time we saw them. Only dusty, black and white pictures pulled from the darkest corners show a little bit of spice about their life. What if your grandmother was young? Of course, she was. But what if she was edgy, rebellious, passionate, brave, and a fighter? For her beliefs, youth, future, and fun?

Check those dusty pictures of your generation, even if they see restrained, smiley faces - ask some questions! Maybe your grumpy and always saying what's best for you auntie was a clubber and freedom activist? Maybe your never talking uncle was a DJ in the underground club? Make some conversations - you might uncover the least expected stories! And while we are still young let's create our stories and have most of the unforgettable fun that we can tell about in our oldest days. Enjoy the sparkle of life, the fun of the night, and never let go of that special place in our hearts for our grandmas.


